How to write an narrative essay
Pte Essay Topics November 2018
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Evolution Of Microelectronics Information Technology Essay
The Evolution Of Microelectronics Information Technology Essay The mechanical advancement of the previous decade has assumed a significant job in the progression of current society by persistently providing better quality merchandise which are available to the mass markets. Advancement has molded our general public as we probably am aware it which would somehow or another be totally unique in relation to basic shopping to the accomplishments of present day medication, from the massively fruitful media outlet to the profoundly complex instruction framework none of these would have been conceivable without the strong spine of current innovation. What's more, innovation would not exist if small scale hardware was not the exceptionally evolved and explored science it is today. A simple 60 years back, nobody would have had the option to anticipate the effect of developing innovations on overall business and financial aspects few would have understood the idea of the Internet or even the distant chance of remote portable communication. The most recent advancement in innovative exploration is that of nano-hardware. Regardless of whether while composing this, nano-hardware is as yet a to a great extent revealed science, the chances are that over the next years it will can possibly realign society, business and financial aspects. Nano-gadgets at the shopper level will contact all parts of our economy, from wages to business, buying, valuing, capital, trade rates, monetary forms, markets, gracefully and request. Nano-hardware may well drive financial thriving or at any rate be an empowering factor in profitability and worldwide intensity. The Evolution of Micro-gadgets. Figure 1: Evolution of Micro-gadgets The escalated effortâ by experts in the gadgets grounds to build the unwavering quality and performanceâ of items while decreasing their size and cost has prompted the outcomes that scarcely anybody would have anticipated however which we have all generally expected. Truth be told many imagine that hardware made an insurgency in mankind's history and formed our future in a manner it could never have been conceivable. During that time we saw the development of electronic parts which diminished in size while performing progressively complex electronic capacities at ever higher paces. Everything started with the improvement of the transistor. Earlier toâ the creation of the transistor in 1947, its capacity in an electronic circuit could be performed distinctly by a vacuum tube. Vacuum tubes were found to have a few worked in issues. The primary issue with these cylinders was that they created a great deal of warmth, required a warm-up time from 1 to 2 minutes, and required robust force flexibly voltages of 300 volts dc and that's just the beginning. Another issue was that two indistinguishable cylinders had diverse yield and operational qualities in this manner originators were required to deliver circuits that could work with any container of a specific sort. This implied extra segments were regularly required to tune the circuit to the yield attributes required for the cylinder utilized. Figure 2: A run of the mill vacuum-tube body The principal transistors had no striking bit of leeway in size over the littlest cylinders and they were all the more expensive. The biggest bit of leeway the transistor had over the best vacuum tubes was that it devoured substantially less force than a vacuum tube did. Other than they likewise gave more prominent dependability and longer life. Be that as it may, it took a very long time to exhibit different focal points of the transistor over vacuum tubes. The coming of microelectronic circuits has not, generally, changed the idea of the fundamental useful units: microelectronic gadgets were as yet comprised of transistors, resistors, capacitors, and comparable parts. The significant contrast is that every one of these components and their interconnections are presently manufactured on a solitary substrate in a solitary arrangement of activities. A few key improvements were required before the energizing capability of coordinated circuits could be figured it out. The improvement of microelectronics relied upon the creation of strategies for making the different utilitarian units on a precious stone of semiconductor materials. Specifically, a developing number of functionsâ have been offered over to circuit components that perform best: transistors. A few sorts of microelectronic transistors have been created, and for every one of them groups of related circuit components and circuit designs have advanced. The bipolar transistor was developed in 1948 by John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain and William Shockley of the Bell Telephone Laboratories. In bipolar transistors charge bearers of the two polarities are engaged with their activity. They are otherwise called intersection transistors. The NPN and PNP transistors make up the class of gadgets called intersection transistors. A second sort of transistor was really considered very nearly 25 years before the bipolar gadgets, however its manufacture in amount didn't get reasonable until the mid 1960s. This is the field-impact transistor. The one that is basic in microelectronics is the metal-oxide-semiconductor field-impact transistor. The term alludes to the three materials utilized in its development and is condensed MOSFET. The two essential kinds of transistor, bipolar and MOSFET, partition microelectronic circuits into two huge families. Today the best thickness of circuit components per-chip can be accomplished with the fresher MOSFET innovation. Today, an individual incorporated circuit on a chip would now be able to grasp more electronic components than most complex bits of electronic gear that could be worked in 1950. In the initial a long time since the commencement of incorporated circuits, the quantity of transistors that could be set on a solitary chip has multiplied each year. The 1980 cutting edge circuit is about 70K thickness per chip. The main ages of the financially created microelectronic gadgets are currently alluded to as little scope incorporated circuits (SSI). They incorporated a couple of doors. The hardware characterizing a rationale cluster must be given by outside conductors. Gadgets with more than around 10 entryways on a chip however less than around 200 are medium-scale incorporated circuits (MSI). The upper limit of medium-scale coordinated circuits innovation is markedâ by chips that contain a total number-crunching and rationale unit (ALU). This unit acknowledges two operands as sources of info and can play out any of twelve or so procedure on them. The activities incorporate expansion, deduction, correlation, sensible and or potentially and moving the slightest bit to one side or right. An enormous scope incorporated circuit (LSI) contains a huge number of components, yet every component is little to the point that the total circuit is normally not exactly a fourth of an inch on a side. Incorporated circuits are developing from huge scope to huge scope (VLSI) and wafer-scale mix (WSI). Since the transistor was concocted more than 50 years back, the pattern in hardware has been to make littler and littler items utilizing less chips of more prominent intricacy and littler element sizes. The improvement of coordinated circuits and capacity gadgets has kept on advancing at an exponential rate; at present it takes a few years for each progressive dividing of segment size. Nanoelectronics allude to the utilization of nanotechnology on electronic segments, particularly transistors. Despite the fact that the term nanotechnology is commonly characterized as using innovation under 100â nm in size, nanoelectronics frequently allude to transistor gadgets that are little to the point that communications and quantum mechanical properties should be concentrated widely. Subsequently, present transistors fall under this classification, despite the fact that these gadgets are produced under 65â nm or 45â nm innovation. Nanoelectronics are here and there considered as troublesome innovation since present competitors are fundamentally not the same as conventional transistors. A portion of these competitors include: cross breed sub-atomic/semiconductor gadgets, one dimensional nanotubes/nanowires, or progressed sub-atomic hardware. Albeit these hold guarantee for the future, they are still being worked on and will in all probability not be utilized for assembling at any point in the near future. Prudent and Social Impact of Micro-Electronics and Nano-Electronics. Fears of huge joblessness have welcomed mechanical changes since the time the Industrial Revolution. A long way from pulverizing occupations, in any case, fast mechanical development by and large has made numerous new significant chances. In the 25 years, the mechanical financial aspects were overflowed with new advances while simultaneously the measure of jobless individuals has definitely been brought down. Recently with the assistance of new discoveries in the region of microelectronics and nanoelectronics they will fundamentally affect both the numbers and kinds of occupations in the modern universes in the next years. The microelectronic upset previously influenced work in ventures going from steelworks to some other organization and will keep on influencing each part of work. Albeit microelectronic and nanoelectronic controls won't move through the modern world short-term, most specialists anticipate that them should be immovably settled underway procedures. Set against these worries, in any case, nanoelectronic advancements will expand efficiency over a wide scope of mechanical undertakings. In principle this should prompt improved financial development, which thusly will convert into new jobs. Put roughly, the additional creation made conceivable by innovative changes harmonized with rising riches and expanded interest for made merchandise and ventures, a mix that prompts high paces of financial development and close full work. As is notable, mix of innovative changes and financial weights prompted a sharp decrease on the planets horticultural work power over the past 50 years. In each major modern nation the farming work power presently speaks to under 30 percent of the working populace. While the quantity of agrarian specialists has diminished, in any case, outpu
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Learning Principles in Video Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Learning Principles in Video Games - Essay Example Directly the â€Å"Play-station†has altered gaming as it is fun, in vogue, on occasion fierce and at most occasions wise and ignites interest. It claims to all age bunches since it incorporates sped, exactness with a filmic creation esteems and foundation. Game Chosen †â€Å"Democracy†: Majority rules system is a profoundly instructive game. It included as the best Sim Game of the Year in 2005. It is identified with legislative issues where the player ends up as the President or the Prime Minister of a nation. â€Å"Democracy†, lets you discover how you would toll as a pioneer of a created nation, for example, The United States of America, France, Germany or Canada. The game permits you to assume responsibility and deal with your country’s accounts, arrangements, inner undertakings and security. Standards of Democracy: The most significant standard of any computer game is its multi media type of diversion including an interesting union of 3D craftsmanship, CG impacts, design, sensational execution, music, audio cues, narrating, man-made brainpower and above all between movement. The essential standards of this specific game, is to instruct an individual on the most proficient method to adapt to a circumstance utilizing great administration strategies. The player is regularly positioned in a difficulty or an emergency where he needs to utilize his ability and insight to receive in return. The most troublesome viewpoint looked by the player is in finding the right harmony between funds, tax assessment and enactment to guarantee the nation doesn’t go into liquidation.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
5 Uncommon Grammar Mistakes You Might Not Know Youre Making
5 Uncommon Grammar Mistakes You Might Not Know Youre Making Most writers know how to avoid the most common grammar mistakesâ€"use your word processors spelling and grammar checker and review your text carefully, but how can you avoid less common grammar mistakes you might not even know youre making?Many an editing project comes across my desk that includes a number of grammar mistakes. While Microsoft Word and other word processing programs often catch the most common mistakesâ€"a misused comma or a split infinitive â€"the system simply can not do what a trained eye can; understand the authors intention and then appropriately convey this message in his/her text.A well-trained writer or editor can often catch these mistakes quickly and easily, but, as the author, you are the only one who truly knows what you are trying to say.Speaking of thisâ€"as the author of your written materials, its important that you clearly define your message, but then check your work to ensure each sentence conveys this message appropriately. You are really your best first defense against the common and even not-so-common grammar mistakes that plague your text.First, if you havent already done so, re-read your text. Read it aloud if you must. Does it make sense? Find areas where your grammar doesnt sound right and attack these areas first. Dont accept all grammar revisions from your word processor; the best writers know that these programs are extremely limited and often confuse your meaning when used indiscriminately.When you find text that isnt clear, or at least, doesnt sound right, start evaluating it with a critical eye. Are you making any common grammar blunders? Often a simple rewording will correct these mistakes.Beyond that, knowledge is power. Here are a few of my personal favorite uncommon grammar mistakes that you may already be making (and how to avoid them!):Alright is not all rightThis is the number one uncommon grammar mistake to avoid because it came as a total shock to me.Its never all right to use the word alright! It turns o ut that the word alright is a misspelling. Though its usage is becoming more popular in both British and American grammar, for now, using the word alright wont make your work all right.Run-on sentencesRun-on sentences are easy to spot when re-reading your text, especially if you are reading it aloud. If you must take a breath while reading the sentence aloud, stop a minute and check to ensure that you havent written a run-on.When you spot one, try cutting the sentence into two separate sentences and see if the intended meaning is still conveyed. One easy way to spot a run-on is use of the word however in the middle of a sentence. Chances are, that sentence can easily be divided into two, more clear sentences.Misuse of apostrophesBy far, this is the most common uncommon grammar mistake I see in my editing works and it is so easily avoided. Remember, you only use an apostrophe for contractions (isnt for is not) or to show possession (FinMarketings post).Here are some examples I almost always see:Wrong: He was president during the 1960s.Right: He was president during the 1960s.Wrong: I recently read a great post of FinMarketings.Right 1: I recently read a great post by FinMarketing.Right 2: I recently read FinMarketings great post.Not sure whether the word requires an apostrophe? Leave it out. Chances are, an apostrophe doesnt belong in your sentence.Misuse of i.e. and e.g.With antiquated Latin origin, its easy to see why there is so much confusion surrounding these simple little abbreviations.i.e. comes from the Latin phrase id est, which means that is. Therefore, its abbreviation, i.e., literally means in other words. By contrast, e.g. comes from the Latin phrase, exempli gratia, which means for example. Therefore, e.g. is used before providing specific examples that support your assertion.If your sentence requires one of these abbreviationsâ€"but youre not sure which oneâ€"substitute the following for i.e. or e.g. in your text:in other wordsDo the words that f ollow provide a definition or synonym for the prior text? If so, use i.e.for exampleDo the words that follow clarify your previous text by way of example? If so, use e.g.Passive VoiceUsing passive voice will not kill your work and it isnt always inappropriate, but using active voice just helps to clarify your intended meaning. This is especially important for marketing materials, press releases and other text that requires concise communication and action.What is passive voice? Passive voice is best explained by example:Passive: The shoes were purchased by the lady in red.Active: The lady in red purchased the shoes.Choosing active voice makes your text more reader-friendly and more often than not, clarifies your intended meaning because it requires a direct statement and is less difficult to follow than passive voice.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Things Fall Apart, Achebes Odyssey - 964 Words
In Chinua Achebes novel, Things Fall Apart, the impact of British Colonialism in Africa is critiqued through the story of an Igbo man, Okonkwo. Okonkwo is an extremely masculine man who has but one fear, the fear of being weak. Throughout the novel, his actions are motivated by this fear which defines him characteristically as on overly masculine man. This over masculinity is Okonkwos flaw and it drives his moods and actions, ultimately leading to his demise. In this respect, Okonkwo plays the role of a tragic hero driven by his flaw which leads to his downfall. Okonkwo, like the tragic heros of Greek myth, was driven by a personal flaw which motivated his life decisions. He always had to be superior to others because his life was†¦show more content†¦He had let his anger overtake him and would have to pay dearly. When the District Commissioner went to Okonkwos home to arrest him, he found a number of Igbo men in Okonkwos hut who led the British man to Okonkwos body hanging from a tree. Okonkwo had taken his own life because he had failed himself. His own flaw had led him to murder a British messenger which was punishable by death. Instead of waiting for the District Commissioner to take him away, he committed the most terrible Igbo act and took his own life. As stated by one of the Igbo men from Okonkwos hut, It is an abomination for a man to take his own life (p. 207). Okonkwo had come to this perilous situation by his own fault. His tragic flaw had led him to this lose-lose situation, and in the end, he ironically chooses the cowardly path. For a man who had defined his person by his masculine actions and his drive to succeed, he had arrived at a situation where there was no way out. Though there is irony in the way that Okonkwo commits suicide, he chose the way in which he would leave the world and did not allow the British Colonizers to end his life. He was a proud individual and would not let such a thing happen. In this action, there is respect for him, yet one must look at how he arrived at this situation. It was through his own faults that his life was doomed. And this fault lies in his ever present desire to be a successful, dominant, masculine man in his
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Why People Arent Discussing Describe Yourself Essay Sample
Why People Aren't Discussing Describe Yourself Essay Sample The Downside Risk of Describe Yourself Essay Sample Professor Mitchell obtained a grant to have a category of students to Belgium to be able to study the EU. Also incorporate any research that you conducted and the way that it enhanced your abilities and abilities. It's extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you wish to steer clear of low high quality services. The principal question of all students who must compose a reflective or private essay is whether it's possible to produce such sort of academic paper without sounding too egotistical. In addition, you can incorporate the organizations which you're a member to, your occupations and other projects which you find important to the readers. You are able to also be more specific on how you want to describe your subject. Some institutions will provide you with details about how to compose your essay. Writing for school takes a methodology for efficient and efficient writing. Men and women have a tendency to pick a range of themes of who they are and attempt to describe all of them. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about a coming deadline. They are asked to explain, comment on, or assess a topic of study in the form of an essay. You are able to also tell readers about your present situation in life. Your conclusion should be well written because it's the final matter to be read by your reader and will remain on their mind the longest after they've read the rest of your essay. Tell us a topic you have changed your head on in the last three years. On the flip side, in case you made a fantastic choice, focus on what influenced you to make that decision and the way it has changed you. By this time, you probably get the notion that the style choice for your descriptive essay is really open. The statement functions as the opening sentence and sets out the manner information relays in the remainder of the essay. Regardless of what's the goal of your essay, there's a preset number of points which you will be expected to handle. What You Should Do to Find Out About Describe Yourself Essay Sample Before You're Left Behind It is possible to also acquire many discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. Numerous alternative logical structures for essays are visualized as diagrams, making them simple to implement or adapt in the building of an argument. The structure of private statement is easier. Ensure you give clear explanations of the things on your list too. Before writing a descriptive essay, you should have the ability to understand how you will encrypt your essay to meet with the question requirements. No matter what you plan to include in the debut, think about it as an introduction to a comprehensive stranger. The title for your essay is determined by the topic is provided. Deciding on a great topic for your essay is vital. Remember you're on a quest about how to write essay describing yourself, you would like to leave a positive impression. As you begin writing more descriptive essays, ensure you paint a photo of your character. While at it, you also need to think of the words you will utilize to describe yourself. Contrary to other objective essays it not only provides the huge picture but in addition provides the inside specifics of the situation. As a writer, you ought to go through various samples so that you're able to get exposed. There are several descriptive essay topics that you might be examined on as a writer. If you wish to begin writing a descriptive essay, think about the focus of your writing first. Before you commence writing a descriptive essay about an individual or before you choose to cover essays writing, it is vital to read several templates of well-structured papers.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Is Romeo Presented in the First Two Acts of Romeo and Juliet Free Essays
In the first two acts of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is presented as a young, love struck man. He is a dreamer and a fantasist. The audience feels sympathetic towards him because love is taking him nowhere. We will write a custom essay sample on How Is Romeo Presented in the First Two Acts of Romeo and Juliet or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Act 1, we first meet Romeo as he is sobbing about his love for a young lady, who we later find out to be Rosaline. The first line he speaks, â€Å"Is the day so young?†, suggests that he is bored and waiting for something to happen as he is so shocked about how early it is in the day. To emphasise this, he goes on to say, â€Å"Ay me, sad hours seem so long†. Benvolio asks Romeo why he is sad and he explains that he is sad because he has no love and his line, â€Å"Out of here favour where I am in loves†shows that the person he loves does not love him. This is how the audience first learns of Romeo’s love struck ness. To show even more how love struck and sad Romeo is, he admits it to himself when he says, â€Å"This is not Romeo, he is some other where.†Benvolio asks him to â€Å"examine other beauties†to cure his love sickness. But Romeo says that if his eyes see anything more beautiful than Rosaline, then â€Å"turn tears to fires†. This shows that Romeo is very single-minded on Rosaline and believes that no one could be more beautiful than her. On the way to the Capulet’s party, Romeo is presented as upset and a spoil sport. He explains that he has a â€Å"soul of lead†which â€Å"stakes [him] to the ground [he] cannot move†. This shows that he is very serious about his love for Rosaline and feels his sadness as a heavy weight on him, not allowing him to have fun, but to grieve. Reluctantly, Romeo agrees to go to the party in the hope that he will find Rosaline. At the Capulet’s party, Romeo finds another girl, Juliet, and is entranced by her beauty. He asks himself, â€Å"Did my heart love till now?†. This line suggests that he completely falls in love with Juliet and asks himself whether he did love Rosaline or whether he had just got it into his head. This shows that Romeo was very single-minded and a sudden link is made between him and Juliet. However, as Romeo is so absorbed by Juliet he looses his disguise. When Tybalt, a keen Capulet, finds out about this and becomes very angry, describing Romeo as a â€Å"villain Montague†because he has gate crashed the Capulet’s party. This shows that Tybalt is an enthusiastic Capulet and believes Romeo is of the opposite being. But Capulet himself is in a very jolly mood and he describes Romeo as a â€Å"portly gentlemen†and a â€Å"well-governed youth†, showing that Capulet’s beliefs of Romeo is that he is a dignified and well behaved young man. Romeo is also described as a handsome and gentle young man. This is shown in Act 2, as the Nurse described Romeo as â€Å"his face be better than any man’s†and â€Å"gentle as a lamb†. This shows that there are different views of Romeo from different characters but, in general, Romeo is presented as a young, handsome and brave young man who is a distant part of his feud-orientated family. As soon as Romeo falls in love with Juliet a sudden link is made between them. The way they speak is very poetic and in verse, as if they know exactly what to say next. Also, Romeo is presented as religious when he compares his lips to â€Å"two blushing pilgrims†. Romeo is presented as a quite sensible young man and, unlike Benvolio and Mercutio, he doesn’t joke about and mess around. He also doesn’t seem to be part of the dispute between the Capulet’s and Montague’s, showing how keen his is on love. On the other hand, as soon as Romeo and Juliet fall in love they become trapped in their own world and don’t mention much about their families being enemies. Romeo sometimes risks his life and many consequences in order to see Juliet, showing how much he truly loves her. Romeo is also presented as a risky and completely taken in man. At the end of Act 2, Romeo agrees to marry Juliet, but neither the Capulet’s nor Montague’s no about it. This is very risky for Romeo and Juliet and Romeo seems to dismiss the consequences because he is so taken in by Juliet. To make things even more secretive, Romeo arranges for a rope ladder to be sent to the excited Nurse, so that Romeo can climb into Juliet’s room to get married. In conclusion, Acts 1 and 2 of Romeo and Juliet presents Romeo as, at first, a fantasists and love struck man. By the end of Act 2, he is seen as a very entranced and risky man, showing his devotion of love towards Juliet. How to cite How Is Romeo Presented in the First Two Acts of Romeo and Juliet, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Reading for Understanding free essay sample
In the story Bones by J. Lee Engfer, we meet a young, 27 year old, self diagnosed hypochondriac named Lea who acts as if she doesnt appreciate life. Lea in the beginning of the story is a pessimist but towards the end we see a change in her ideas and thinking until she becomes optimistic about her life. We also meet a young spirited older woman named Thea who is vivacious and fun loving with a sense of style which makes her almost 1940s Hollywood-esque, with the neck scarves and painted on eyebrows. The story is a small look into Leas life. We learn key points about her such as her mother passing away, and her self-diagnosed hypochondria. Its Halloween and Lea and her friend Thea go for a walk to Lake Harriet near Theas house. Lea has an epiphany about her life. The theme of the story is about living your life to the fullest. We will write a custom essay sample on Reading for Understanding or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The idea that Lea is a hypochondriac could have an even deeper meaning, such as Lea representing the oppression of society in today which is seen almost everywhere with people who do not make an effort to make their lives worthwhile. Leas turning point happens as her and Thea play in one of several piles of leaves. Perhaps the leaves have a more significant meaning than just leaves? Maybe the dead leaves represent Leas dead personality and dull, meaningless life. I believe so. I believe the leaves being played in and stirred about represent a deeper meaning of change and finding meaning in life. A simple action of playing in leaves brought on an epiphany that Lea should start living her life. As they walk back home Lea has to slow down to Theas pace, which makes her realize that despite Theas age, she is able to fulfill her life with the satisfaction of knowing that if she died today, she would have died alive. This short story can relate to many things, as it is an issue seen in society very often. Religion can be an example of how it restricts your life from doing certain things, and living in fear of death, when there is nothing to be afraid of. I can also relate this short story to a series of books that I have read written by James Frey. A Million Little Pieces and My Friend Leonard both follow the story of a recovering drug abuser, author James Frey. James addiction led him to believe that his life was worthless, that he was worthless, and he would do anything to end it all, rehab gave him the chance o end those feelings and change his views. His views change when he finds out devastating news that his girlfriend has committed suicide, his outlook and perspective on life completely changes as soon as hes out of rehab. He becomes optimistic about life, but certain aspects remain pessimistic. A popular piece of writing turned music video written by Mary Schmich called Advice, like youth , probably just wasted on the young and it was published in the Chicago Tribune as a column in 1997. The most popular and well-known form of the essay is the successful music single called Everybodys Free to Wear Sunscreen released in 1999, accredited to Baz Luhrmann (which I highly recommend by the way! ). Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do youll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders the perfect quote for Leas life. The text gives advice on how to create a worry free life; it is a beautiful piece of writing. I absolutely love how this author uses Irony and Flashbacks. Irony was used when Lea said It doesnt affect my functioning in society while referring to her hypochondria. This statement is false because she underestimates herself, when she can achieve so much more than a stable job, and a feeling of just being ok. The way she describes her scattering her mothers ashes is a beautiful example of a flashback, it is extremely descriptive. There are however many other techniques used such as personification, metaphors, local color, and symbolism. They all tie together in a beautiful way which makes the reader feel what the character is feeling, and see what the character is seeing. It grasps the characters emotions and makes the reader understand them. Living your life as if you were scared of death at every corner is a pointless way of living. People should realize that they need to experience many different things in life to fulfill that void that many people feel when asking themselves what is the meaning of life. In my opinion the meaning of life is to live your life without justification form others on why you do something. The point of life is to live, how can you live with a constant fear of death? This short story is an excellent example of a self realization that there is more to life than worrying about every single bad thing that happens. Live as you will have wished to have lived when
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